NSA-UPRH Regional
Conference on Global Continuation Methods in Three Dimensional
University of
Puerto Rico at Humacao
Department of Mathematics
Humacao, PR 00791
Historically the problems posed by continuum
mechanics have induced major developments in important areas of mathematics,
such as the theory of partial differential equations both linear and nonlinear,
the calculus of variations, and bifurcation theory. On the other hand, there
has been an increasing interest among the mathematical community in nonlinear
problems and techniques to tackle such problems. An example of this has been
the use of degree theoretic techniques, e.g. the Leray-Schauder degree in
nonlinear differential equations. These mutual influences between continuum
mechanics and several areas of mathematics research are still going on. The
main goal of this five day conference of ten lectures is to stimulate interest
and mathematical research among the mathematical community of Puerto Rico,
the Caribbean, and the U.S.A., on recent developments in degree theoretic
techniques and their applications to problems in nonlinear elastostatics.
These recent developments in the field have an applicability that extends
beyond its original motivation from elasticity theory and consequently are
worth knowing by other mathematicians interested in nonlinear problems and
theories. The principal lecturer for the conference series will be Tim Healey,
Professor of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics at Cornell University.