caricaturaJosé O. Sotero Esteva

Hogar > Publicaciones > Publicaciones por Estudiantes

Estudiantes de Investigación y/o Proyectos
(Actulización mas reciente: 8 de enero de 2025)

  • Robert Rosario González
  • Sophia Martínez Miranda (Escuela Superior Petra Mercado)
  • Adrián R. Roldán Richards 🔗
  • Kimberly Hernandez Ferrer
  • Daviannie Rivera (Escuela Superior Petra Mercado)
Pasados (orden cronológico inverso, no están todos)

  1. Michael Rivera Lazú 🔗
  2. Emmanuel Rosa Delgado
  3. Frances Martínez Miranda
  4. Génesis N. Pérez,
  5. Adalis Castro Santiago 🔗
  6. Bernardo A. Roque Carrión,
  7. Lyxaira M. Glass Rivera 🔗
  8. Lemuel Rivera Cantú
  9. Jordan Caraballo Vega 🔗
  10. Jomarie Jiménez Gonzalez,
  11. Desirée E. Velázquez Rios,
  12. Giovanni Casanova 🔗
  13. Paola Alicea 🔗
  14. Jansel E. Herrera Gerena 🔗
  15. Melissa López Serrano 🔗
  16. Francheska Lebrón,
  17. Frances Martínez Miranda,
  18. Wensy Cuadrado,
  19. Radamés Vega,
  20. Carlos Cortés,
  21. Mirgery Medina Cuadrado 🔗
  22. Rosely Quiñones,
  23. Axel Rivera,
  24. Myrna Merced Serrano 🔗,
  25. John E. Morales,
  26. Desirée Velazquez,
  27. Yesenia Cruz,
  28. Fernando Berríos 🔗
  29. Joshua Cruz Cintrón 🔗
  30. Aixa de Jesús Espinosa 🔗
  31. Raúl Colón,
  32. Madeline Almodovar🔗,
  33. Jenise Reyes 🔗,
  34. Francisco Izquierdo,
  35. Anthony Castro Hernández,
  36. María del Carmen Sevillano Rivera 🔗,
  37. Samuel Rosario Torres 🔗,
  38. Edwin Moulier 🔗,
  39. Wilnelia Hernández 🔗,
  40. Mayteé Cruz 🔗,
  41. Vianesse Gonzalez 🔗,
  42. Amarilys Cortés,
  43. Juan Reyes Santana,
  44. Hector Galarza,
  45. Mayra Figueroa,
  46. Wendell Rosado,
  47. Wanda de Jesús,
  48. Omar Colón Reyes 🔗,
  49. Ileana Galarza,
  50. Marisol Benítez Montañez,
  51. Alexis Arenas Alicea,
  52. Lisa R Casanova del Moral 🔗,
  53. Carlos Fernández,
  54. Astrid Jaime Collazo 🔗,
  55. Mayra Matos Hernández,
  56. José Luis Muñoz,
  57. Juan Ariel Ortiz,
  58. Juan Reyes Santana,
  59. Jenny Reyes Torres,
  60. Doel Durieux🔗,
  61. Federico López,
  62. Rafael Gómez 🔗,
  63. John Ainslie 🔗
  64. Norma Castro 🔗.


Algunas publicaciones por estudiantes

  • Rosa Delgado, Emmanuel, Rivera Lazú, Michael and José O. Sotero Esteva. “Detección de pozos en placas de ensayos mediante redes neuronales y transferencia de conocimiento”, 13er Congreso Iberoamericano de Sensores (IBERSENSOR 2024), Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Rosa Delgado, Emmanuel, and José O. Sotero Esteva. "Detection of wells in images of deformed 96-wells plates." MRS Advances (2024): 1-6.
  • Ortiz-Hernandez, Christian J., Adriana N. Santiago-Ruiz, Adaliz J. Torres-Rosado, Jomarie Jiménez-Gonzalez, Sean B. Yeldell, Rolando Oyola, Ivan J. Dmochowski, Jose Sotero-Esteva, Vibha Bansal, and Ezio Fasoli. "In situ analysis and imaging of aromatic amidine at varying ligand densities in solid phase." Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 411 (2019): 1549-1559.
  • Caraballo-Vega, J. A., F. Martnez-Miranda, and J.O. Sotero-Esteva. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Electrodes for Capacitors made with Nano Onions". In: Proc. 28th Nat. Conf. Und. Res. (Lexington, KY). Apr. 2014, pp. 297-306.
  • Medina-Cuadrado, Mirgery, Carlos Cortés-Martínez, Melissa López, Frances Martínez-Miranda, and Radamés- Vega Alfaro, An implementation of a Graphical Interface for molecular simulation software using Python and Qt4, Proceedings of 26th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR2012), March 2012
  • MEDINA, M, BERRÍOS, F; Detection of the Surface of a Liquid Nano - Droplet in a MD Simulation, Proceedings of 25th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), March-April 2011
  • RIVERA, A, MORALES, J; Computations of the Electrostatics Potentials in a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Using GPU, Proceedings of 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), April 2010
  • VELAZQUEZ-RÍOS, D, MORALES-GARCÍA, J, RIVERA-RODRÍGUEZ, A, A GUI for the analysis of electrostatic interactions in molecular dynamics simulations, Proceedings of 23th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), April 2009.
  • MERCED, M. 2008. , Study of Stable Conformations of CNT-DNA Hybrids by Means of Principal Component Analysis, Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.
  • CRUZ ROSADO, Y. 2008. On the Construction of Column States Matrices of Close Simple Paths for Modeling Linear Polymers , Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.
  • Francisco Izquierdo, Delaunay triangulations for simulations of short-range interactions in molecular dynamics, Proceedings of the 20th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 2006, Asheville, North Carolina.
  • Edwin Moulier and Samuel Rosario, On The Self-Similarity Properties Of HTTP Traffic Time Series, Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Rochester, NY, April 1999.
  • Samuel Rosario and Mayteé Cruz, Improvements to an Application of a Genetic Algorithm to the Search of Integer Sequences with Low Self-Correlation,Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, Maryland, April 1998.

Presentaciones en Congresos

  • Robert Rosario, Emily Morales Arroyo, Myrialisses Ortiz Rodriguez,José Sotero, Optimized 3D-printed fluidic devices for separation of carbon spheres, MRS Fall Meeting 2024, Boston MA.
  • Rosa Delgado, Emmanuel, Rivera Lazú, Michael and José O. Sotero Esteva. “Detección de pozos en placas de ensayos mediante redes neuronales y transferencia de conocimiento”, 13er Congreso Iberoamericano de Sensores (IBERSENSOR 2024), Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Adalis Castro Santiago, Self-Avoiding Walks used as Simulations to Polymers, National Conference On Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2021, NCUR@home, April 12-14, 2021
  • Jomarie Jiménez, Use of Beer’s image attenuation model for the enhancement of Confocal Laser microscopy images of affinity membranes, JTM/PRISM, 2018
  • Melissa López Serrano, Detección de subgrafos frecuentes, SIDIM 2012.
  • Myrna I. Merced Serrano, Metrics for the study of DNA-CNT hybrids, 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, San Rafael, California, 2007.
  • M.I. Merced-Serrano and J.O. Sotero-Esteva, Conformation of ss-DNA around sw-CNTs, 7th Southern School on Computational Chemistry and Material Science, Jackson, Mississippi, April 2007.
  • Myrna I. Merced Serrano, Raúl Colón, José O. Sotero Esteva, Sistema de simulación por dinámica molecular de interacciones entre nanotubos de carbono de pared sencilla y diferentes polímeros, Día de la Investigación, UPR-Humacao, 2007.
  • Myrna I. Merced Serrano, Sistema de simulación por dinámica molecular de interacciones entre nanotubos de carbono de pared sencilla y diferentes polímeros, XXII Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 2007.
  • Colón Moreno, Raúl D., Simulating the preparation of SWCNT and benzene ring in water mixture, 27th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting, UIA-Bayamón, PR, 2007.
  • Merced, Myrna, A Model building, Simulation and Data Analysis Script for the Study of DNA-CNT Hybrids, 27th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting, UIA-Bayamón, PR, 2007.
  • Raúl Colón, Myrna I. Merced Serrano, José O. Sotero Esteva, Computational Tools for the Study of Interactions Between ss-DNA and CNT, International Symposium on Advanced Materials: Building Functional Systems via Self-assembly, Humacao, Puerto Rico, 2007.
  • Myrna I. Merced Serrano, PREM Congress, Humacao, PR, 2006.
  • Francisco Izquierdo, Delaunay triangulations for simulations of short-range interactions in molecular dynamics, 20th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 2006, Asheville, North Carolina.
  • Maria del C. Sevillano Rivera, Simulation of etching processes for mems using cellular automata In CRC 2004, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
  • Samuel Rosario and Edwin Moulier, On The Self-Similarity Properties Of HTTP Traffic Time Series, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Rochester, NY, April 1999.
  • Samuel Rosario, Un Enfoque para el Estudio de Series Temporales Auto-Similares , 19th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, UPR-Mayaguez, 1999.
  • Wilnelia Hernández, Amarilys Cortés 1999. El parámetro de Hurst y el flujo de agua en los rios de Puerto Rico. En 19th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting, UPR-Mayaguez.
  • Edwin Moulier, Predicción de Tráfico de Red en Tiempo Real , 19th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, UPR-Mayaguez PR, 1999.
  • Samuel Rosario and Mayteé Cruz, Improvements to an Application of a Genetic Algorithm to the Search of Integer Sequences with Low Self-Correlation,National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, Maryland, April 1998.
  • Samuel Rosario, Mayteé Cruz, Vianesse Gonz\'alez, and Edwin Moulier: WWW Traffic Forecasting using Wavelets, Computing Research Conference, Mayaguez PR, 1998.
  • Mayteé Cruz, Algoritmo Genético Aplicado a el Tráfico de Internet, 19th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, UPR-Mayaguez PR, 1999.
  • Samuel Rosario and Mayteé Cruz, Improvements to an Application of a Genetic Algorithm to the Search of Integer Sequences with Low Self-Correlation, National Conference in Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, Maryland, April 1998.
  • Mayteé Cruz, Técnica para la selección de primera generación para un algoritmo genético aplicado a la b\'usqueda de sucesiones de enteros con baja autocorrelación, 18th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, IAU-Bayamón PR, 1997.
  • Samuel Rosario, Técnicas para mejoramiento de individuos en un algoritmo genético , 18th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, IAU-Bayamón PR, 1997.
  • Samuel Rosario, Hill climbing strategies for an Application of a Genetic Algorithm to the Search of Integer Sequences with Low Self-Correlation 5-INVITATIONAL MATHEMATICAL MEETING, (invited) National Security Agency, July 1997.
  • Samuel Rosario, An Evolutionary Algorithm for the search of semi-sonar sequences, UPR-Humacao Research Day, 1997.
  • Samuel Rosario, Aplicación de un algoritmo genético a la búsqueda de sucesiones de sonar (An Application of a Genetic Algorithm the the search of sonar sequences) . 17th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, UPR-Carolina PR, 1997.
  • Samuel Rosario, Aplicación de un algoritmo genético a la búsqueda de sucesiones de enteros con baja autocorrelación (An Application of a Genetic Algorithm the the search of low self-correlation sequences), Computing Research Conference, Mayaguez PR, 1997. (preprint
  • Ileana Galarza. Predicción de tiempo de transferencia de archivos en protocolo FTP usando el puerto \#7 (eco) de TCP/IP (FTP transfer-time forecast using the TCP/IP echo protocol). 17th Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting of Puerto Rico, Carolina PR, 1997. (preprint
  • Ileana Galarza. Un modelo empírico analítico para relacionar los tiempos de FTP y de eco (An Empirical-Analytic Model that Relates FTP transfer times and echo times), Computing Research Conference, Mayaguez PR, 1997.
  • Norma Castro and Rafael Gómez: Numerical Computations Using PC-LANs, Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, PR, March 1995;
  • Norma Castro: Distributed Computating Using PC-LANs, UPR-Humacao Research Week, April 1995.

Charlas en Seminarios

Auspicios recibidos de
  • UPR-Humacao
  • ONR
  • NSF
  • NCUR
  • NSA